APWUHP enhancements COVID |
APWU Health Plan COVID-19 Coverage Enhancements
The APWU Health Plan will continue to evaluate benefit enhancements as a result of COVID-19. For the most up-to-date information visit our website at
The Health Plan will:
USPS COVID-19 videos |
Find below videos from USPS on COVID-19
Retail video: https://usps.screenlight.tv/shares/4Do27ziTtfmZyze41lwMQIJxLgcpLens?_=1585662642563
Carrier video: https://usps.screenlight.tv/shares/cWMzJs7q51t3T9LLhGSmBIHAeQmB6nHQ.
CYFD Child care support for essential employees |
The State of New Mexico has approved free / reduced childcare for anyone in the following work fields who have to work during the COVID-19 shutdowns.
Janitorial, grocery store, gas stations, Early childhood service staff, Post Office, healthcare, childcare, emergency first responders and military,
Download and complete childcare assistance application:
Use of Surgical Masks |
There have been many questions recently about the use and wearing of masks while at work. There is no dispute that an employee can wear a mask at work if they choose to do so. A concern was brought to me in regards to the “N95” masks. The Postal Service, like many other agencies has run into a shortage of the N95 masks.
Page Last Updated: Apr 25, 2022 (09:11:00)